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Working Of Threat Hunting

Team threat hunters are front-line defenders who proactively detect malicious or suspicious activity by investigating internal systems in an organization to find/determine the advanced threat actors and vectors.

generally, it's a combination of multiple teams constantly collaborating with each other to investigate and determine the threat actors.

Principles of Threat Hunting

  1. Proactivity: Proactivity Identifying or determining the threat actors

  2. Finding: Finding the attack signature or threats which already compromise the environment

  3. Detecting: Hardening the detection techniques

Working On Threat Hunting

Threat Hunting:

Create a hypothesis to hunt or determine the attack patterns.

Malware Analysis:

The Team was involved in analyzing various malware samples to find the IOC and patterns.

SIEM Engineers:

The SIEM team creates or determines the detection rule to constantly identify the threat actors.

SOC Team:

The SOC team generally Investigates and determines the root cause of the threats to mitigate their risk.

Working Of Threat Hunting


Threat Hunting is a hypothesis-based proactive detection of malicious activity, where multiple teams constantly collaborate with each other to investigate and determine the threat actors.

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