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The Authentication

A process of validating a legit user by validating with a unique identity, Authentication provides restrictions over physical and logical assets in an organization, an effective restriction can be applied at a combination of Authentication + Authorization.

Type of Authentication:

Authentications can be achieved by common techniques such as

  1. Password

  2. Biometric Authentication

  3. Facial recognition

  4. Multifactor Authentications

  5. Digital Certificate Authentications


Passwords act as baseline security for organizations, it generally used to uniquely identify the authorized users, password is a combination of [Characters, Numeric, & Special Special Characters]

Biometric Authentication:

The process of identifying the authorized user via fingerprint, as per fact fingerprints are unique. That means that no one else in the world has the same set of ridges and lines that you have on your fingers, This specific uniqueness helps to identify the authorized user.

Facial reorganizations

Due to the tremendous development of AI many users started trusting facial reorganization, a well-developed algorithm used to specifically identify specific details about a person's face, this specific technique was majorly used on Mobile phones.


Multi-Factor Authentication, is a process for double verifying the user by one time generated passwords that are only sent to authorized persons' mobile phones or E-Mails, this help to cross-verify the user identity.

Digital Certificate Authentications:

This specific technique is used to maintain the authenticity of authorized users, this specific technology helps organizations to protect the un-authorized device or a user from their internal network,

Types of Digital Certificates

  1. TLS

  2. Code Signing Certificate

  3. Client Certificate.

Authentication is a process/technique used to identify a legit user by applying various restrictions, an effective restriction can be applied at a combination of Authentication + Authorization.

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