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Foundation of information security

Information security are key and base foundation to an organization which typically explains working functionalities of an organizations [rules/regulation], its generally includes into 4 major types of classification

  1. Policy : Organizational statements

  2. Standards : Mandatory controls

  3. Guidelines : Suggestions / Best practices

  4. Guidelines : Instruction / Procedures


Policy are organizational statements which are framed and developed by higher officials based on their organizational working and structures.

In-general policy describes how the information can be protected and its roles and responsibilities, policy do not focus on the details of implementation but its act as an recommendations

Example: implementing password protection


Standards consist of mandatory controls that help enforce and support the security policy.

In-general Standards describes how the information can be protected by following some mandatory controls, its mainly focused to created mandatory actions


Standards consist of non-mandatory controls that help enforce and support the security standards.

Guidelines are also termed as best practices

Example: password should contain Min 8 characters with numeric & especial character


Procedures consist of step by step instructions to help employees in implementing the various policies, standards and guidelines.

Example : How to set an good password


Information security are key and base foundation to an organization which typically explains working functionalities of an organizations [rules/regulation], its generally includes into 4 major types Policies, Standards, Guidelines, Procedures.

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