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CIA Triad

A fundamental law which clearly explain how the information assets need to be secured, It broadly classified into three major types

  1. Confidentiality

  2. Integrity

  3. Availability


The process or an technique to protect/defend against any form of un-authorized access to an information, information such as Excel sheet, word documents even an printed paper, in-general information are sensitive in nature and more valuable assets to the organizations.

Note: Information are set of processed data, its an combination of analyzing and interpreting pieces of RAW data presented in a meaningful context read more

Confidentiality can be achieved by

To achieve confidentiality several procedure needs to be followed

  1. Encryption

  2. Access Control

  3. Authentication

  4. Authorization

  5. Physical security


The process or an technique to protect/defend against any form of un-authorized modification to an information, modification such as [updating or editing original data]

these techniques are used to achieve trustworthiness and tamper free data.

Integrity can be achieved by

  1. Access control

  2. checksums

  3. Integrity monitoring


The process or an technique to maintain constant available of information, this can be achieved maintaining the hardware/software

the data must be accessible to the user when they are required

Availability can be achieved by

  1. Maintaining the hardware/software

  2. Data backup

  3. Implementing RAID


Information's are the key assets to an organizations, it need some fundamental law which clearly explain how the information assets need to be secured, these can be achieved by CIA triad.

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